SWAAG Sponsorship Options
Silver Salmon Sponsor
$500- $999
(2) Cama-i tickets, named as a sponsor in newspaper ads and printed schedules.
Gold Salmon Sponsor
$1000 - $4,999
Free admission to Cama’i weekend, named as a sponsor in newspaper ads, and printed schedules, and company banner will be hung at the festival.
Tundra Titan
Free admission to Cama’i weekend, named as a sponsor in newspaper ads, and printed schedules, company banner will be hung at the festival, and recognized as a sponsor on our local SWAAG gift shop.
Current Titan Sponsors
Grant Aviation
Orutsaramiut Native Council
Kuskokwim Campus
Lynden Family of Companies
City of Bethel
Alaska State Council on the Arts
Add Your Logo Here
Support Art in the Delta!
Everyone can enjoy the arts.
• Attend events (Purchase tickets or Volunteer and get in free!)
• Buy art at the gift shop!
• Attend board meetings
• Help at Saturday market
• We will sell your art at the gift shop!
• Join a committee
• Take a class
• Teach a class (paid positions available!)
Your support means a lot.
• The opportunity to run for a board position
• Integration into the local arts community
Become a Partner.
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form and one of our staff members will get back to you. We love to expand into new avenues of engagement for the community.